About Last Night’s HIFI 3 Of 4


#aboutlastnight Part 3 (Of 4). I received an invitation for last night that I just couldn’t pass up. Let’s call this Room Two, the main course and the reason for the evening Wilson Audio’s Sasha DAW’s.. that’s not “daw”... it’s pronounced D-A-W... for the recently departed, David Andrew Wilson... back in the day he used to sign his reviews for Stereophile magazine with DAW. The lineage of this speaker goes all the way back to the Watt Puppy which David actually created for himself as a portable and very accurate monitor setup... long story short even though David wasn’t intending on selling the Watt Puppies... tons of folks wanted them... and Wilson Audio truly became a company. When I say tons of people I mean it... the highest volume selling speakers over $10k... over 20,000 sold. So while the Sasha DAW’s are descendants of the Watt Puppy which became Sasha and Sasha 2’s... these were designed from the ground up by David’s son. When one considers Wilson Audio speakers generally time alignment is a big theme (other than the amazing speakers theme). Also in the audiophile world there is usually the smooth side of the fence.. OR, the highly detailed side of the fence... the two rarely coexist... Well they coexist in these Sasha DAWs, I can attest to that. There were a couple of stand out moments but one of them was while playing a track off of the Bach Trios album... you could actually hear or tell that Yo-Yo Ma was physically moving his cello back and forth while he was playing. Next post will take a look at the fantastic Audio Research amplifiers powering the Sasha DAWs @wilson.audio@dcsonlythemusic 
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